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  • About Marasid

Who are we

Knowledge for Studies and Development (Marasid) is an independent institution working within the framework of studies, research and scientific papers in their social and economic aspects, and aims mainly to study issues related to Sudan and the Horn of Africa, then all Africa and the Middle East, in addition to public opinion measurements and surveys


Membership is an excellent way to participate in an observatories community of readers, researchers and interested individuals and bodies. In addition to receiving the latest news and research and priority participation in actual weekly and monthly programs and events or online, it is also possible to get discounts for short training courses or academic diplomas in Sudan and abroad, or free seats in courses or diplomas, in addition to external scholarship opportunities.

Our Supporting Partners

Marasid cooperates with research institutes and centers in order to support each other in the fields of academic research and innovative concepts, raising the competence of researchers in theoretical and practical aspects, as well as cooperating with relevant organizations at the regional and global levels, and with national and foreign researchers and academics. In this context, Marasid has cooperation programs with institutes and organizations, joint projects and research activities, and we are open to further cooperation programs; as long as they lead to the achievement of common goals and do not contradict the values of the institution.


Professional Consultants

Looking to the future for Africa

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