Sales Training

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Cosine’s sales training solutions deliver processes and skills that managers can quickly implement to help salespeople reach a higher level of performance. Cosine’s developmental sales training program transforms the traditional role of a sales manager from being a boss to being a coach.
Using a four-part framework.
Sales managers learn to deliver more than a typical evaluative performance review that provides feedback several times a year.
Instead they provide developmental feedback every day that is directly tied to achieving business goals.
Using highly customized scenarios.
Sales managers practice the core skill at the heart of developmental sales training – “let them talk first” – in other words.
instead of “telling” the salesperson what to do.
a developmental coach uses a strategic process and questioning skills to help salespeople discover obstacles and create their own solutions.
The result for the sales team is a smarter, more skilled group that self-trains and achieves business goals more independently so that sales managers have more time to devote to other critical priorities.
At the same time.
the result for the organization is a culture that seeks and values feedback as an integral part of daily business.

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